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Attention All Conservatives

Conservatives everywhere feel helpless as individuals and don’t know how to save America from the liberals and socialists. However, if we all join together, we can start to take back our country by creating a massive grassroots army of conservatives.

Right now there are thousands of small conservative groups trying to promote the cause but there isn’t one large conservative organization with enough clout to do any good. That leaves a huge void to be filled by 75 Million United, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit.

We need to be bigger and stronger than the teacher’s unions that have 2,300,000 members. You witnessed their power during COVID-19 when they got the Biden administration to shut down schools.  That is the kind of power we need with 75 Million United and we can do it with your help. Remember, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”.

Our first order of business is to take back the education system.  We will start by forming Patriot Parent Associations (PPA’s) in all of the 13,598 school districts. That way local conservatives can monitor liberal teachings like CRT, gender changes, and anti-American indoctrination. PPA’s will also strive to elect conservative school boards and promote Patriotic education.

We need your generous donation right now. 75 Million United is just getting started but we plan to advertise with direct mail, social media, and eventually on conservative TV to reach 75 million conservatives. Your donation will help launch this huge undertaking and your country and your grandchildren will be forever grateful.

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When you join the PPA, you’re taking a stand against liberal elites who want to teach our children to think as socialists instead of patriots. We’ll start by using our money and our votes to change the course of local education from a liberal socialist ideology to one that produces future leaders of America. 
Liberals are trying to brainwash young Americans so they can become future members of the government, the media, and education. The process begins again when our children influence the next generation of liberals in the media, the government, and education. 

Our plan to combat these liberal teachings: create Patriot Parent Associations in all 13,598 school districts across America. If we can achieve this goal, we’ll be one step closer to saving the minds of young adults across our country.

So will you answer the call and take a stand against liberal educators who are trying to indoctrinate our kids?

Don’t wait - join a coalition of thousands of parents who are fed up with public education in America.