Washington Post: Explosion in Home Schooling Is Permanent

The liberal Washington Post reported yesterday on the results of a survey of some 360 school districts around the country:

[Our] analysis reveals that a dramatic rise in home schooling at the onset of the pandemic has largely sustained itself through the 2022-23 academic year, defying predictions that most families would return to schools [once Covid restrictions were lifted.]

With the number of young people being schooled at home jumping by more than 50 percent (while public-school enrollment dropped), the Post was forced to admit its “arrival as a mainstay of the American education system, with its impact … only beginning to be felt.”

According to the Post, the practice of schooling at home “embrace[s] a largely unregulated practice once confined to the ideological fringe.”

Child completing maths homework by Annie Spratt is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com