Teachers union head: ‘Conservatives don’t even want black children to be able to read’

Conservatives oppose black children even learning how to read, according to the president of the Chicago Teachers Union.

Stacy Gates, who sends her son to a private school, was responding to criticism of her union’s latest contract demands. It includes demands for illegal immigrants, abortions, and weight loss drugs. It will cost more than $50 billion.

“Conservatives don’t even want black children to be able to read,” she said Sunday on WBBM, a local radio station.

She said further:

Remember, these same conservatives are the conservatives who probably would have been championing Black codes, you know, during reconstruction or thereafter. So, forgive me again if conservatives pushing back on educating immigrant children, Black children, children who live in poverty, doesn’t make my anxiety go up. That’s what they’re supposed to say. That is literally a part of the oath that they take to be right wing.
opened book on table by Fang-Wei Lin is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com