My middle school silenced my free speech T-shirts about 'two genders.' I'm fighting back

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 02/09/2024
My parents have always taught me to think for myself. My dad often makes comments and then questions me to see if I think they are true. He’ll ask, "Is that right?" or "Do you think that’s true?" He has done this since I was very little. He likes for me to come to my own conclusions.

It’s natural for our family to have those conversations where we share our different thoughts and views. Shouldn’t that be natural and encouraged at school, too?

But at my school, it’s very clear what the staff and administration want us to believe, even about controversial political issues. They don’t seem to want to hear different opinions. Shouldn’t they encourage us to have conversations and teach us how to discuss these ideas while respecting each other’s views? Instead, they just want us to think a certain way and go along with their point of view.
Genders by Tim Mossholder is licensed under Unsplash